Thursday, July 18, 2013

Straightening a Wig

Hoooo boy, here we go.  I'm trying to straighten a wig.

See, I ruined Meg's pretty curly wig by stupidly, stupidly attempting to brush it.  I know, I'm a moron!  But then I read if you soak and condition the wig over a period of a few days it will loosen and you can straighten and restyle it.

So I'm trying that.  I mean, the stupid thing was a snarled mess, so the worst I'm going to end up with is a well-conditioned wig, right?

The damage.

I soaked and conditioned it twice, and it smells great and is smoother already.  But still too curly!  I cannot get a comb through the first centimeter of the bottom of a curl.

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