Sunday, July 14, 2013

New Family Photos

I obviously need wider shelves, or something.  Barely enough room!
So, as a side note, I'm getting pretty frustrated with my camera.  Sometimes my shots turn out beautiful and clear, other times blurry.  But the previews always make the shots look really crisp!  I want honest previews, stupid camera! >C

Top - Didi and Glory; Middle - Valley and Mika; Bottom - Lucy and Hedwig

William at the top, Meg in the middle, and Juno and Dinea in the front
Some individual shots for fun....

Poor, naked Didi.  You'll have clothes soon!
Lovely little Dinea
Glory, who's peach gold skin REALLY stands out among these dolls.
I remembered Hedwig this time! Yay!
Sweet little Juno

My little girl with the big personality, Lucy
I wrecked Meg's wig yesterday, so she's a bit cross with me right now.
Her brother, Mika, is just peachy, though!
I love that blue scarf on Valley.
William, my first doll.