Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Before and After with Mika

So I dragged out a lamp to snap some pictures of Mika in his room.  And as always, my camera fibbed and showed me a preview that looked great for each shot.  As you will see, I had to Shoop several of them. :/

Before 01
After 02
Before 02
After 02
Before 03
After 03
Before 04
After 04
So, I also noticed in the aftermath that his eyes have derped out.  Grr!  Why do I never spot these things before the pictures? >C
Anyway, I am not happy with the afters of any of the shots, even though they are better than the originals.  I just am still trying to figure out how to take pictures of a doll inside a book shelf without shadows everywhere. :/

Bonus pictures - my daughter wanted me to take a picture of Mika with her stuffed animal, Ammy.  So here are those:

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