Saturday, July 20, 2013

Didi's New Clothes

They finally arrived!  I say finally like an impatient jerk, but it really only took a couple of weeks.  So, here she is modeling them.

And as a bonus picture, here's a little shot of my latest workspace when I take pictures...

Friday, July 19, 2013

Doll Goal - Part One

Irene, the Iplehouse KID doll, is my next wishlist doll.  It will be roughly $350 to get her, pre-shipping.  To save up for her, my husband and I have decided to combine my desire to drop a few pants sizes with my desire to earn a doll.  For every 1,000 calories I either cut out of my daily intake or burn on the treadmill, I get to fill in one of those slots.  After 70 days I'll have earned the money for my doll!  Now, I imagine there will be some days I blow it, so I don't feature this being 70 straight days.  But fingers crossed it's not too far spread out!

Updates as I progress. ^^

Doll Blanket

So a dear friend of mine, and a fellow doll collector, has been having a rough time.  I wanted to make something to cheer her up, so I decided to put my crochet thread to use and make a little crocheted throw blanket for her dolls!

I am modifying this pattern into the blanket, by reducing the initial chain by roughly half and repeating rows three and four to desired length.   I used an E hook, which is 3.5 mm.

Here is how it looks by the end of row 20:

I have a lot more to do to make it long enough, but there's the progress so far!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Interview - William

So DoA has this Interview Game.  I am too shy to post my interview answers there, so I'll share them here!
First up is my slightly pretentious glamour boy, William.

Doll Mold:  Dollmore Adam - Larme (2007)
Face up: Custom face-up by Asher Dumonchelle
Eyes: Blue Dollmore ...16 mm, I believe
Hair: I think this is a JPop wig, but after all of these years I don't remember 100%
Age: 20

If you were to describe yourself with one word, what would it be? Pensive

What is most important to you in the world? Freedom of expression

Would you help someone who needed it while passing? Yes

Are you very observant? When I'm not daydreaming.

How innocent/naive can you be?   I think we all are innocent or naive about some things.  I'd like to think I'm wary where I should be, while still having a free heart and open mind.

Can you entertain yourself easily?  Nah,  I need music or books or something to entertain me.

How well do you get along with others?  I get along with anyone, so long as they are interesting in some fashion.

What was the longest time you had a friend?  I have a friend, Tenna, whom I've known since childhood.  She is moving away, but we will still keep in touch - I hope!

Do you have someone who knows you inside out?   Tenna, for sure.  She is so dynamic and a real force of personality.  She got to know me whether I wanted her to or not!

How short is your temper?   I rarely get angry, few things are worth that strong an emotion.

Can you let go of grudges easily?   I've never had a grudge against anyone to let go of.

Do you read?   I do.

Do you watch TV?  Eh, sometimes. I like to watch documentaries, it makes me feel more intellectual about the world.

Do you collect anything?   Accessories count?

How long do you stay interested in something?  It really depends.  Some things pass out of my fancy quickly, while others can hold my interest for years.

If you collected, would it be for interest or profit?   Hmm.  For interest, I think.  Collecting something for profit seems hollow.

Do you know your parents/creator?   My creator has not made up any parents for me, shamefully. >C  But even if I had parents, I'm old enough to be out on my own now.

What is your birthday?  Oct 25, 2007 - Scorpio

Do you have any siblings?   Nope

Ever have to fight for what you believe in?   Luckily, no

When did you move out on your own?   I've always been on my own.  See above comment about my family.

When did you REALLY mature?   Do we ever really mature?

Did you have many friends?  Just Tenna.  

Any action you regret?  I fear I come off as too cool-hearted and detached.  Sometimes I wish I could be more outwardly passionate.

What is a memory you treasure?  The day I met Tenna, our first day of school.  She was wearing bright, mismatched clothes, and made me laugh when I felt afraid of being alone.  That was the first day of our long, long friendship.

Do you have a dream partner?  Hmm.  Someone who can appreciate my style and interests, and compliment my personality with a dynamism of their own.  Someone who doesn't mind that I prefer to let others do the talking.

Do you believe you seek someone like your parents(or creator)?   Haha, no.  My creator is not dynamic or talkative.  And she doesn't care one bit about fashion.

Do you have one night stands?   I never have, but I am open to the idea should the situation be right.

What feature is most attention grabbing for you?   The eyes, I think.

What MUST someone have for you to consider them?  An open heart

Older, younger, same age as you? Same or older

How do you feel about settling down?  I'm a bit young for that, I think!  But who knows, should the right person come along...

How many dates before you go to bed with someone?   Many.

How do you handle rejection?   I hope tactfully.

How many times did you stop something before it developed?   Never.

Have you settled down and if so for how long?   I have never settled down with someone before.

Any Children?   No!

Any Grandchildren?  O_O

What do you love most about your partner?   N/A

Any petnames?   No, not even Billy or Bill.  I am just William.

How many relationships have you been in?   Very few.

Have you ended any?  Nope

Has your heart been broken?   No, I never got that deeply invested.

Any loves you cannot have?   No

 Do you believe in true love?   I'm not sure.  I'd like to think so.

Have you ever died?  No

Can you even die?  I won't know until it happens?

Have you seen someone die? No

Have you killed someone?  No!

Have you had someone killed?  No!  Geez!

What makes you truly happy?   Peaceful moments

If you could, what is one thing you would spend your life doing?   Traveling the world.

Do you have a job, if so what is it?   I do not.

Have you ever gone insane?   Not that I am aware of.

Did you ever feel as if you were the only sane one in the world?   Don't we all feel that way sometimes?

If you had a choice, would you live a calm eternal life, or live a wild short life? Calm and eternal.

Straightening a Wig

Hoooo boy, here we go.  I'm trying to straighten a wig.

See, I ruined Meg's pretty curly wig by stupidly, stupidly attempting to brush it.  I know, I'm a moron!  But then I read if you soak and condition the wig over a period of a few days it will loosen and you can straighten and restyle it.

So I'm trying that.  I mean, the stupid thing was a snarled mess, so the worst I'm going to end up with is a well-conditioned wig, right?

The damage.

I soaked and conditioned it twice, and it smells great and is smoother already.  But still too curly!  I cannot get a comb through the first centimeter of the bottom of a curl.

Concept Versus Reality - Dinea

So here was Dinea's original mock-up.  I wanted her to be ethereal and light and soft.  You will see how she has changed since this design...

Her eyes are blue!  I really do want to get the otherworldly white eyes for her still.  As she is meant to be a supernatural being (the keeper of dreams) plain blue eyes don't really give off that other-worldly feeling.

She also got her headdress of blue beads, and kept the long silver wig.

You can see she kept the sheer white sleeves, but her gown has changed a bit.  It's gathered at the waist and...
Terrible full shot, but you can see the beading on her gown, and her veil!  The fabulous artist who made this gown for me weighted the veil with some beads, and I love the overall look.

Bonus pictures!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Beautiful Blue-Eyed Boy

Ahhh, William.  He always photographs so beautifully!

Meg's Room

And Mika's sister, Meg!

As you can see, Meg is a super girly girl.  Lots of pinks and sparkles and princess stuff.  She's still bald as I try to figure out if her wig is salvageable or if I need to start looking for a new one.

Mika's Room

A little display shelf made up to look like Mika's bedroom.

 The chair is a pincushion from JoAnn Fabrics, the chest of drawers I hope to repaint so they match his room a bit more. All of the toys were found in vending machines or are little miniatures clearanced out at the toy store.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Didi in the Afternoon

I made her a little sweater out of an arm warmer. And, as always, I noticed her right eye is askew. After uploading pictures and putting her away. Oy.  I will get better at this!